Beauty Benefits of Aloe Vera

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Aloe vera, otherwise called as ‘wonder plant’ is well-known for many healthy and medical benefits. This plant is very common and does wonders to your skin. It has antibacterial properties and can also be used for many beauty aspects. Here are seven ways you can use aloe vera gel in your beauty routine:

It is very effective in treating dry and cracked heels. Apply some gel on your feet and massage. and leave it overnight. Wear socks overnight and continue this for atleast 7 days for super-soft feet.

Aloe Vera gel can do wonders to in an extremely dry skin. Also, it leaves a non-greasy finish and can work as a make-up primer too!

Aloe Vera acts as a moisturizing face scrub.Mix aloe vera with sugar or coffee and this acts as a gentle exfoliator which will be very mild on your skin.

​If you’re looking for a natural make-up remover, then aloe vera can come to your rescue. To clean tough-to-remove liners and shadows, swipe some aloe gel on the eyes for an easy alternative.

If you don’t have a clear brow gel, then you can use aloe gel as an effective alternative. Dip a q-tip or a clean mascara wand in the gel and glide over the brows. This will give a clean look and keep the brows in place.

​As aloe vera gel has rapid healing properties, it works great to heal burns and rashes. For sunburn, apply the aloe gel on the affected area at least for 5 days.This will help to calm the skin.

​This wonder plant is a skin saviour for dark spots, marks and even dark circles under your eyes. Make the marks fade gradually by using this gel overnight.

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