Get toned inner thighs without going to gym

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Actually, for any kind of western outfit, a toned and sculpted inner thigh enhances the look. Further, a toned inner thigh is not only a healthy inner thigh but also attractive and strong. It is not necessary that you have to go to gym to attain toned legs. Here are 3 workouts which you can do at your home easily to get shapely legs.

Side Lunges

The side lunge adds a lateral movement that is often neglected in more traditional lower body exercises, such as squats and forward or backward lunges. This lateral movement targets the inner and outer thighs and helps to strengthen and tone those areas of your legs.

How to ?

Hold a pair of dumbbells or a kettle bell. 

Stand with your feet and knees together.

Take a giant step with your right foot to the right side, keeping your body facing forward and your right foot facing slightly outward.
Bend your right knee and sit back slightly until your right thigh is parallel to the ground while keeping your left leg straight.

Pause, then push off your left foot to return to start, repeating with the right leg.

Do 3 sets of 10 on each side.

Sumo squat

Sumo squat is not like a regular squat. The placement of feet matters in sumo squat. Unlike a regular squat, where the feet are placed hip-width apart, and the toes face forward or slightly out, in sumo squat places more emphasis on the inner thigh adductors, which move your legs in toward your body, and glutes.

How to ?

Start by taking an excessively wide stance. The more your feet are apart, the more you activate your glute muscles and not your quads (front of thighs).

Point your feet to 45 degrees away from your body. Holding the kettlebell in front of you (arms should not be flexed), with your core engaged and your back kept straight, bend your knees and send your hips backwards, lowering your body and the kettlebell as far as you can without compromising your posture. Try to get the weight all the way to the ground without actually touching it.
Rise back to your starting stance, squeezing your butt at the top of the movement. That’s one rep.

Do  4 sets and 15 reps.

Jump Squats or Plie Squats

A plie squat is a workout that strengthens the legs, glutes and calves and increases the range of motion in your hips.This lower body move targets the thighs especially toning the inner thighs, hamstrings, and the glutes which is the strongest and most powerful muscles in your butt.

How to

Stand with your legs wider than shoulder-width apart, toes turned out and arms at your sides. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. This is your starting position. 

Jump up as high as you can, keeping your legs wide and extending your arms straight overhead. Return to starting position and repeat.
Repeat for 30 seconds.

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