Home Remedies to kill a Toothache in no time

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Home Remedies to kill a Toothache in no time

A toothache is a pain in or around a tooth that may be caused due to tooth decay, abscessed tooth, tooth fracture,a damaged filling or repetitive motions, such as chewing gum or grinding teeth else due to infected gums. But until you can get it fixed, it is better to follow an home remedy to relieve the pain. 

        1. Salt water

Saltwater aids to cleanse any loose debris in the mouth as well as any potentially harmful bacteria that might be in or around the affected area. To treat a toothache, simply add 1/2 tsp of salt to a small amount of warm water and swish them around in your mouth for about 30 seconds before spitting it out. Repeat once or twice, several times a day.

        2. Clove oil

Cloves traditionally been used as a remedy to numb the nerves, thanks to its primary chemical compound: eugenol, a natural anesthetic. It can fight against all kinds of dental pain, including cavities, mouth ulcers, and sore gums; in fact, you have probably seen it as an ingredient in dental products. Apply a small amount of powdered clove on the tooth or chew the whole clove a little to release it is oil. Also, you can use a really small amount of clove oil (about 2 drops) and place them on the affected area until the pain subsides.

Home Remedies to kill a Toothache in no time

         3. Garlic

Garlic kills harmful bacteria and works as a pain reliever. The better approach to using it is to either make a paste of them and place it on the affected area or you can chew it slowly. You can repeat these natural treatment for some days until the pain is gone.

        4. Onion

Onion offer antiseptic and antimicrobial properties that are known to kill the bacteria in the mouth that contributes to pain. The best approach to use it’s to cut off a piece of onion and chew it on the side of your mouth that’s in pain. These allows the juice from the onion to penetrate your tooth. If the pain is also intense to chew, you can apply a finger to hold the piece of onion directly against the affected tooth. Allow them to sit for 5 minutes, or even longer if you can.

        5. Cucumber

Cucumber is known for it is hemostatic and soothing effects, as used for a toothache remedy, its hemostatic effects help lessen blood flow to the affected tooth, ultimately lessening and soothing pain. Bring a cucumber to room temperature if it’s been refrigerated first if you’re sensitive to cold as them could worsen pain. Then slice a fresh piece and hold it over the affected area. Instead, you can mash up a piece of cucumber with a bit of sea salt then pack it around the aching tooth.

        6. Guava leaves

Guava leaves are anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. They not only alleviate toothaches but also relieve mouth ulcers and swollen gums.

Simply chew a leaf or 2 until the juice starts going to work on the affected tooth. Or, place 5 guava leaves into boiling water, allow the liquid to cool to warm temperature, then add a sprinkle of sea salt. Apply the solution like you’d a mouthwash, swishing and then spitting them out, several times a day.


1. What are some effective home remedies for toothache relief?

  • Common home remedies include rinsing with warm salt water, applying a cold compress, using clove oil or cloves, applying a garlic paste, and using peppermint tea bags.

2. How does rinsing with warm salt water help with toothache?

  • Salt water can help reduce inflammation and bacteria in the mouth, providing temporary relief from toothache. It also helps to cleanse the area around the affected tooth.

3. Can applying a cold compress really alleviate toothache?

  • Yes, applying a cold compress can numb the area around the tooth, reducing pain and swelling. It's a simple and effective way to manage toothache until you can seek professional dental care.

4. How does clove oil or cloves help in relieving toothache?

  • Clove oil contains eugenol, a natural anesthetic and antibacterial agent that can help numb the pain and reduce inflammation when applied to the affected tooth. Chewing on whole cloves can also provide similar benefits.

5. Is garlic paste effective for toothache relief?

  • Garlic has antimicrobial and analgesic properties that can help alleviate toothache. Crushing garlic into a paste and applying it directly to the affected tooth or gums may provide relief from pain and infection.

6. How can peppermint tea bags help with toothache?

  • Peppermint has numbing properties that can help alleviate toothache. Placing a cooled peppermint tea bag against the affected tooth may help numb the area and reduce discomfort.

7. Are these home remedies suitable for all types of toothaches?

  • While these home remedies can provide temporary relief for mild to moderate toothaches, they may not be effective for severe or persistent pain. It's important to consult a dentist for proper diagnosis and treatment of toothaches, especially if they are severe or accompanied by other symptoms.

8. How frequently can these home remedies be used?

  • Home remedies can be used as needed for temporary relief, but it's essential to address the underlying cause of the toothache by seeking professional dental care. Overuse of some remedies, such as clove oil, can cause irritation or other issues, so it's best to use them sparingly and under guidance.

9. When should I seek professional dental care for a toothache?

  • You should seek professional dental care if the toothache is severe, persists for more than a few days, is accompanied by fever or swelling, or if you have difficulty swallowing or breathing. These could be signs of a more serious dental issue that requires immediate attention.

10. Can these home remedies replace professional dental treatment?

  • Home remedies can provide temporary relief, but they do not address the underlying cause of the toothache. Professional dental treatment is necessary to diagnose and treat the underlying dental problem effectively. It's essential to seek dental care for long-term relief and to prevent further complications.

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