Is it such a big deal to have thick and long eyelashes naturally?

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It’s obvious that  thick and long eye lashes enhance look of a woman. Of course everyone wish  to have long and fluttering eyelashes. Many of us try to lengthen our eyelash either with Mascara or with something else. If it can be achieved naturally..who won't like it. Here are some tips you need to know about how to make eyelashes grow and how to make your eyelashes look longer. Just read on to know how to get long and healthy lashes with simple DIY tips.

All you need is ....

1.     1-2 drops castor oil

2.     1 drop of essential oil [lavender oil or rosehip oil or rosemary oil or tea tree oil or grapeseed oil

3.    Q-tip or a clean mascara wand

What to do :

    Mix the 2 oils together and use on the eyelashes carefully.

    Leave them on overnight.

    Do this every night, and you will have long, thick lashes in just three days.

You can apply some a different carrier oils in the same way. Take your pick from olive oil, almond oil, argan oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil. The carrier oils contains nourishing fatty acids that aid your lashes to grow longer and thicker. This oils also nourish the hair follicles. The addition from essential oils will make this remedy even more potent as this oils contain plenty of antioxidants to restore and maintain healthy lash growth. They too improve circulation.

Of course, makeup clogs the skin around the eyes which are already delicate and thin. If your mascara is heavy on the lashes, then removing it at night gives rest to your lashes. Also, be very gentle when you’re removing your eye makeup.

If you’re rough with your lashes, they can become sparse and may not grow back as healthy as they’re right now. Your eyelashes take longer to grow back than your scalp hair, and you do not would like to damage what you currently have.

Last but not least enough sleep is must for eyes so that sparkling eyes with long lashes will enhance your look.

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